Canopy’s Abuse Policy

Abuse Policy for Persons Receiving Services

The government made new rules to protect and improve services for people. The new rules can be found in Regulation 299/10. Regulation 299/10 means you will be provided with education and training and a statement of rights. 


All Abuse is Wrong

Canopy Support Services has zero tolerance for abuse. That means we all agree that all abuse is wrong and we will try and make sure everyone is safe. We are here to help you and it is important that you understand what abuse is and what you should do if it happens to you. 


Abuse is When Someone:

  • Hurts you 

  • Makes you do things that hurt you  

  • Makes you do things that aren’t safe  

  • Takes away your belongings without permission  

  • Says or does things to you that make you feel bad about yourself  


All Abuse is Wrong

  • Tell us about it as soon as you can. 

  • We will help you tell the police about it if someone hurts you. 

  • Hurting another person is against the law. Even if you don’t want to tell the police yourself. Canopy Support Services is obligated by the law to report it to the police if someone hurts you. 

  • You can ask for our help to tell your friends or family or anyone else you would like to inform about what’s happened, but we will only do that with your consent. 

You can ask your worker to help you create a safety plan so you know who you can call if you are being abused.